Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Some experiences

I tried the regular mask by using the same process. It turns out the regular mask will bring more artefacts than the spiral mask. In visualization, the same function will have similar effects. The differences are in different patterns introduced by different masks.

I also tried the floating points to store the values. Right now it gives more control for each step, but I cannot say what the other advantages are.

Right now it seems the limit of the size of the mask has a great effect on ruining tone.

The size of the mask has some influence in visual effects.

Performance: 512 by 512 takes 113 seconds.

I am going to put the tone down and try to find some interesting patterns from our method. Right now how to control patterns seems a mystry.

1 comment:

  1. If the mask size limit is affecting tone, then it is a more serious problem than I thought. I guess I was imagining that most of the time, there would not be a lot of error to distribute, but that is not actually a plausible thought. Instead of 10-5-1 in absolute intensity, perhaps those numbers should be the percentage of error to distribute. Maybe they could be even higher.

    Can you say a bit more about the artifacts created with a bullseye mask? A picture might help. It seems to me as if the key is to distribute the error as evenly as possible to the pixels within each ring, so I hope you are doing something like that.
