Monday, June 29, 2009

A related paper about halftoning

I am not sure if you have read this paper "POLYOMINO BASED DIGITAL HALFTONING" by VANDERHAEGHE and OSTROMOUKHOV. Similar to our term the structure of masks, they use the term the threshold structure, but based on so-called polyomino. The reason for mentioning this is that we might want to give a theory-tied scheme like this paper.

For comparison, here is the Lena's halftoning effect from current results as follows.


  1. by "current results" you mean this is a halftone you generated, or it's one based on polyominoes? It looks quite good.

  2. Doing a direct comparison against the polyominoes is instructive. The polyominoes don't give as much line detail (especially look at the texture on the hat) but the overall impression is better because it is so much smoother. The previous smoothing idea was to take at most x% (say 50%) of the darkness of a pixel at once, enforcing greater separation of stipples/dots on the first pass. Try this out and see if it reduces the clumping.

  3. One last thing. If you can get them, try out some of the test images from the 2008 dithering paper, especially the textured ones (cat and tree) to see how the results compare.
